Regular Arabic Program (RAP)
Regular Arabic Program (RAP)
If the level of proficiency in Arabic is beyond the three-level Intensive Arabic Program (ARB 000, ARB 050, ARB 100), known as remedial courses, you are expected to take on the Regular Arabic Program (RAP) that consists of:
- ARB 201 Arabic Communication Skills I
- ARB 202 Arabic Communication Skills II.
The program is designed for you to refine your Arabic language skills that are much needed in the realm of contemporary professions.
Courses at this level focus on diverse areas of interest such as current issues, cross-cultural concerns, vocabulary expansion, public speaking, pronunciation, advanced reading and writing, and business Arabic.
You need to consider that these courses are completed whilst you are taking on other level courses related to the major of your study.
Admission to the RAP constitutes automatic admission to the undergraduate academic programs. Unless otherwise, you are expected to progress through the three-session program in one academic year; 2 semesters: fall and spring.